Friday, September 4, 2020

Violence in Television and Video Games Does the Medias Message Matter Essay Example

Savagery in Television and Video Games: Does the Medias Message Matter Essay ApostlesViolence in Television and Video Games: Does the Medias Message Matter In this short article about viciousness in TV and computer games it begins discussing an exceptionally famous TV appear at one point the sopranos. the creator at that point proceeds to discuss how in one of the scenes of sopranos Tony TV and computer games it begins discussing a mainstream TV appear at one point the sopranos. the creator at that point proceeds to discuss how in one of the scenes of sopranos Tony Soprano homicides one of his partners and dissects the body and dumped the body parts. hen the creator discusses a couple of months after the fact to siblings where gotten for choking and cutting her head and hands off and the main explanation they were gotten is on the grounds that a security watch saw them dumping a huge group into the dumpster and saw that a foot was standing out, the police promptly asserted that the sopranos TV show is the purpose behind the young people acts. the short articl e proceeds to discuss when of ones primary school graduation a youngster will have seen 8,000 killings and 800,000 demonstrations of brutality on TV. The specialists state that observing significant levels of media brutality makes individuals more prawn to act all the more forcefully. Analysts have additionally connected computer games to indistinguishable impacts from the media viciousness however later proceeds to state that it different between each other. I feel that a few people are affected by media viciousness and computer game savagery yet not all are prawn with these impacts, it just appears to bode well that in the event that you play a brutal computer game each day and it doesnt must be the equivalent for about a year to 18 months I wager there will be some rough or forceful characteristics that where welcomed on by the game. We will compose a custom article test on Violence in Television and Video Games: Does the Medias Message Matter explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Violence in Television and Video Games: Does the Medias Message Matter explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Violence in Television and Video Games: Does the Medias Message Matter explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Prisoners of war comparison

A POW can be characterized as someone who is caught or detained by the adversary during a demonstration of war. Anyone can be a POW, even a multi year old regular citizen who is basically trapped in the crossfire. Both â€Å"Augmentation Boy†, a novel composed by Anna Pepper, and â€Å"The Boy in the Striped Pajamas†, a movie coordinated by Mark Herman, rotate around two key issues identifying with the principle subject of Prisoners of War. The Issues are Innocence of Children and Discrimination. The entirety of the three primary characters (Khalid's, Bruno and Samuel) are influenced by the war, some more than there, and two of which lose their lives due to It.The Issue of Discrimination Is a progressing issue In the present society. It Is investigated In the two messages through the out of line treatment of the characters because of their race, sex, religion or different qualities. Delimitation Is appeared against detainees, notwithstanding where or why they are presen tly being held hostage. This has been completely investigated in both ‘The Boy In the striped Pajamas' and ‘Augmentation Boy. In the novel, Khalid's is asked what other worldwide urban communities he was anticipating bombarding? (P. G. 01 ) It shows how the hero was blamed for being a fear based oppressor because of his center eastern origin.Even however he is guiltless, his captors don't trust him due to his physical appearance. This issue has likewise been investigated in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas'. A prime case of this is the correlation among Bruno and Samuel, the first occasion when they meet. There is an eye-level since quite a while ago shot of Bruno with rich timberland as a background. Conversely, there is a high point, medium length shot of Samuel sitting in the earth with the spiked metal perimeter clouding his face. This is huge in that Bruno is depicted as the prevailing and wealthy character with Samuel as the poor Jew.Although both Samuel and Khalid's are oppressed, it isn't for a similar purpose behind both of the young men. Assumptions are made about Samuel on account of his Jewish confidence and Khalid's is erroneously blamed for wrongdoings he didn't submit as a result of his Arabic foundation. It is a cliché perspective on races and their capacities to perpetrate violations. A second issue which is conspicuous in the two writings is Innocence of Children. It is appeared In the novel on pages 195 and 196 â€Å"Imagine playing turn the jug blended in with Images of little kids being exploded. This statement Is illustrative of the way that Khalid's thinks that its hard to recall things about his past without having them disturbed by realistic dreams because of the prison that Is Augmentation Bay. The genuine impacts of the vile and Inhuman treatment of Khalid's were not indicated when he was being tormented, yet more so later on In the type of bad dreams and Invasions of his recollections. The little youngsters being explode d were utilized by the creator to show cap the kid Inside Khalid's has likewise been ‘blown up' and he Is compelled to develop and adjust to endure, losing his youth Innocence along the way.In The kid In the Striped Pajamas', Samuel additionally loses his Innocence, as being In the camp and rewarded as a grown-up constrains him to grow up and do whatever he can to endure Just Like Khalid's into the gas chamber for a shower. Both little fellows accepted that it was really a shower, Bruno more than Samuel, however the men all knew reality. Bruno in blameless his entire life, until he passes on. A prime case of this issue in the content is after Bruno sneaks in to the Jewish camp and imagines that they are being put covert to hang tight for the downpour to stop.There is a somewhat high edge medium shot when this is expressed by Bruno, who at that point gets an astonished look from Samuel. Therefore, it very well may be seen that both The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and Augmentatio n Bay have an immediate relationship to the two issues of Discrimination and Innocence of Children. The investigation of the two writings passed on comparable key topics to the crowd, along these lines. Albeit two unique kinds of writings, the novel and elm utilize emotive language and camera edges to help with getting over their message.The motivation behind the two writings was to instruct the peruser of the awful treatment that kids were and are compelled to suffer in their particular jails as a captive. Detainees of war can be honest people. Notwithstanding aim, regular citizens (counting youngsters) frequently are the accidental setbacks just on the grounds that they are in an unlucky spot. During war time, troopers follow orders. When under danger or dread of danger, specialists make exceptional move. Regardless of whether a blameless is trapped in the crossfire.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Portrayal of Shakespeares Hamlet in Cinema Essay Example For Students

The Portrayal of Shakespeares Hamlet in Cinema Essay This hesitation is clear again in this citation from Rothwell (1999) Prince Hamlet as sexist is nevertheless one of the rulers different veils that incorporate vindicator, mind, on-screen character, chief, executive, rationalist, killer, duelist, officer, squire, glass of design, and pretty much every other believable human quality yet in this film a decent arrangement of Fitzwilliam Darcys sexism hides behind the Hamlet cover. (Kenneth S. Rothwell, 1999, pp. 57) Rothwell trusts Hamlet to be an everyman (or everywoman, e. g.Sarah Bernhardt and Asta Nielson) and even figures out how to coordinate him up to Jane Austens Mr Darcy as played by Laurence Olivier. We will compose a custom exposition on The Portrayal of Shakespeares Hamlet in Cinema explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Villages outrage comes through additional in this film as in the Branagh film yet not so in the Zeffirelli film. Oliviers Hamlet is a terrible tempered character; he walks about and lets his contemplations go out of control (as Mel Gibson portrayed Hamlet a reflective, who thinks excessively). In the voices overs of his talks particularly in the primary you can perceive how his considerations are influencing him firmly, his brain is in unrest. There is even some sign that he may have been thinking about self destruction during the regarding life, what to think about it talk as we see he is holding a knife to his midsection. Olivier picked a shockingly youthful entertainer for his Gertrude, at the hour of recording she was over 10 years his lesser notwithstanding playing his mom; Eileen Herlie was just twenty-seven when the film was made (Olivier was forty), and she carried with her a strongly provocative nearness. (Anthony B. Dawson, 1995. pp. 181) Anthony B Dawson accepts that Eileen Herlie was given a role as Gertrude to make a conceivable adversary to Ophelia for her children expressions of love. It can't be denied that there are a couple of insignificantly overenthusiastic kisses however in opposition to numerous pundits I do accept that the Olivier film makes less of the oedipal understanding in the storage room scene, however it appears to support the kid like depiction of Hamlet. There is minimal sexual contact with his mom as could be utilized for the Freudian recognition and is so in Zeffirellis film. Olivier lean towards additional to embrace her and at one point lays his head upon her lap as would a kid. This stands out well from the Zeffirelli film, Oliviers Hamlet isn't truly rough towards his mom, however this by and by may reflect more the perspectives on the time instead of Shakespeares goal. The duel scene appears differently in relation to the Bernhardt film by enduring any longer and the utilization of camera development, for the most part high edge shots. The duel scene is stagey; swashbuckling and gaudy swordplay, not at all like the pushing broadsword of Zefferillis Hamlet and the organized and controlled fencing of Branaghs. The last scene of this film impersonates the first with Hamlets burial service parade up to the most noteworthy pinnacle in the manor. Section Five Franco Zeffirellis Hamlet, 1990 Zeffirellis movie is the just one of the three read for this exposition, which isn't coordinated by the entertainer playing Hamlet. Zeffirelli cut, revamped and adjusted quite a bit of his Hamlet; he just kept 1242. 5 of Shakespeares unique lines. The discourse made by Claudius towards Hamlet in the content during his wedding in which he demands Hamlet considers him to be a dad is moved to the extra included scene of old Hamlets burial service and the get thee to a religious shelter discourse is moved to a similar scene as The Mousetrap. Zeffirellis point with the entirety of his Shakespeare films was to make Shakespeare open and justifiable to a more extensive as well as a more youthful crowd subsequently his modifying of a portion of the language, to make it increasingly fathomable for a cutting edge crowd in spite of the fact that it is frequently believed that he belittles his crowds knowledge by changing words that truly might not have required evolving. A portion of the progressions show that Zeffirelli has a distressingly low gauge of his crowds knowledge. At 3. 2. 49 for example, stirrups of no related becomes stirrups of various families. At 1. 1. 84, Minerva is supplanted by goddess. (Expert Pilkington in Davies and Wells, 1994, pp. 168) Zeffirelli was an excited lover of Shakespeare. He felt that Shakespeare and his plays ought to be all around celebrated and everybody ought to have the chance to appreciate them. He picked his on-screen characters cautiously, feeling that renowned on-screen characters, particularly Hollywood heart-pulsates like Mel Gibson, would draw in the more youthful age. He was right, as should be obvious from the reference to Mel Gibson as Hamlet in the romantic comedy, Clueless (1992). Zeffirelli is frequently censured for the luxurious exhibition of his creations, which are said to occupy from the basic play, yet he has verifiably carried Shakespeare to a more extensive crowd (Charles Boyce refered to by Ace Pilkington in Davies and Wells, 1994. pp. 164) I accept, Zefferellis Hamlet is marginally less luxurious than his past creations. The elite player cast and the various staggering areas are the main terrific parts of this film, as opposed to the lovely outfits or lovable yet obscure on-screen characters (Leonard Whiting and Olivia Hussey) utilized in Romeo and Juliet. I don't accept that this luxuriousness will reduce the play, on the grounds that including visual intrigue can frequently draw in more consideration, the same number of youngsters are outwardly orientated and in film the visual component fits be more clear, it becomes plain as day. Zeffirellis Hamlet not at all like his different movies was not shot in Italy. .uc2fad0b9fca4924800649a8392fa5d2b , .uc2fad0b9fca4924800649a8392fa5d2b .postImageUrl , .uc2fad0b9fca4924800649a8392fa5d2b .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .uc2fad0b9fca4924800649a8392fa5d2b , .uc2fad0b9fca4924800649a8392fa5d2b:hover , .uc2fad0b9fca4924800649a8392fa5d2b:visited , .uc2fad0b9fca4924800649a8392fa5d2b:active { border:0!important; } .uc2fad0b9fca4924800649a8392fa5d2b .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uc2fad0b9fca4924800649a8392fa5d2b { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uc2fad0b9fca4924800649a8392fa5d2b:active , .uc2fad0b9fca4924800649a8392fa5d2b:hover { darkness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uc2fad0b9fca4924800649a8392fa5d2b .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relative; } .uc2fad0b9fca4924800649a8392fa5d2b .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enhancement: underline; } .uc2fad0b9fca4924800649a8392fa5d2b .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uc2fad0b9fca4924800649a8392fa5d2b .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content beautification: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc2fad0b9fca4924800649a8392fa5d2b:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!importan t; } .uc2fad0b9fca4924800649a8392fa5d2b .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uc2fad0b9fca4924800649a8392fa5d2b-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uc2fad0b9fca4924800649a8392fa5d2b:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Compare and Contrast The Characters of Romeo and JulietIt was really recorded at different areas around the UK, incorporating Dover palace in Kent, Aberdeen and a few different manors, mostly in Scotland. I trust Scotland was picked to make a setting with the run of the mill Scandinavian climate however may have been less expensive than to film on the spot at Elsinore itself. Both Zeffirellis past movies The Taming of the Shrew and Romeo and Juliet had been set and shot in Italy. The shooting of Hamlet tested Zeffirelli and removed him from his customary range of familiarity by being set in Denmark and record ed for the most part in Scotland; He is essentially not as much at home in Elsinore as he was in Padua or Verona. (Robert Hapgood in Boose and Burt, 1997. pp. 89) Zeffirelli is Italian and utilizations his insight and love of Italy in his initial two movies. This is for all intents and purposes outlandish for his Hamlet. Zeffirelli was curious about Denmark. Scandinavians like Hamlet are influenced by their area. Northern Europeans are tormented by melancholy and occasional full of feeling issue in view of their cool, dim, stormy atmosphere and this is appeared in Hamlets character. Zeffirelli, as an Italian, may not totally comprehend this part of Hamlet as these clutters are considerably less regular in Southern Europe where it is warm and splendid. Like Branaghs Hamlet, Zefferellis is recorded in shading however it despite everything holds the component of haziness like Oliviers. Zeffirelli was emphatically affected by Oliviers Hamlet he is said to have revoked every other film of Hamlet somewhere in the range of 1948 and 1990. Zeffirelli alluded to Oliviers Hamlet so much that Mel Gibson was offered Oliviers real shirt worn in the past 1948 film of Hamlet; A further case of the effect of the Olivier variant originates from Glenn Close in the short HBO film The Making of Hamlet The principal day of shooting he was given by one of the makers the real shirt that Olivier wore in his popular Hamlet, And Gibson recounts ensuring that I was in the lodging without anyone else, with the lights out and I gave this shirt a shot. Bit by bit I got the fearlessness to turn the lights on and I found that it

Diversity in The Workplace Essay Example for Free

Assorted variety in The Workplace Essay Assorted variety has a few definitions. As indicated by Schmidle (2010), working environment decent variety is a people issue, concentrating on the distinctions and similitudes that individuals bring to an association. It is generally characterized extensively to incorporate measurements past those predetermined lawfully in equivalent chance and governmental policy regarding minorities in society non-separation sculptures. Decent variety is frequently deciphered to incorporate measurements which impact the personalities and point of view that individuals bring, for example, calling, training, parental status and geographic area. On the off chance that you consider assorted variety and the entirety of the classifications it very well may be somewhat overpowering. Schmidle left out a few classes that incorporate age, sexual orientation, pay level, societal position, political perspectives, religion, and conjugal status. The word â€Å"diversity† has a sort of contention ring to it yet it doesn’t fundamentally mean it is a terrible thing. Assorted variety can in truth be something worth being thankful for. Schmidle later proceeds to talk about a portion of this positive results of decent variety including one of the most significant parts of assorted variety which is taking in new things from others. In the event that we are around similar individuals regular that are precisely the same and do things precisely the same it is difficult for individuals to consider some fresh possibilities. This paper will talk about positive and negative parts of decent variety concentrating on age. It will examine different types of decent variety too. When examining age decent variety it is imperative to talk about the various classifications. People more than 60 are viewed as the Traditionalist age. People in their mid-40’s to 60’s are children of post war America. Those in their late 20’s to mid 40’s are in the Generation X class and the latest age is Generation Y who are mid 20’s or more youthful (Bell, Narz, 2007). Every last one of these gatherings has been depicted as having certain qualities. Conventionalists are characterized as having a more traditionalâ working condition. They regularly work 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 yet are said to work late and ends of the week during occupied periods if important. Conventionalist are additionally supposed to be dedicated, steadfast workers who regard authority. It is normal for spouses of this classification to have been home with the kids while the male is or was grinding away acquiring the sole pay. Conventionalists are resigning from the work power at a consistent rate yet stay compelling in today’s working condition (Bell, Narz 2007). People born after WW2 are the offspring of Traditionalists and furthermore thought to have a solid hard working attitude. A contrast among Boomers and Traditionalists is that they are double vocation couples with the ladies functioning just as the men. Boomers are said to address authority and have likewise been named the â€Å"me generation† (Bell, Narz 2007). Age Xers are the offspring of Baby Boomers. They have grown up watching their folks attempting to attempt to have it the sum total of what and have been influenced by their folks trying sincerely and late hours. They are all the more family and parent situated, idealistic and certain. They are said to not have an exceptionally solid steadfastness to their manager and will in general work for somebody that best meets their requirements (Bell, Narz 2007). Age Y are the offspring of Generation X and are likewise called the twenty to thirty year olds, the web age, and furthermore the Echo Boomers. This is because of their PC information and furthermore because of them being perhaps the biggest age since the Baby Boomers. At a youthful age they were acquainted with various ways of life and societies in school. Being that they were uncovered so youthful they will in general have increasingly familiar with various races, sexual direction, and ethnic gatherings. Age Ys like to be tested and need adaptability and working from home alternatives. They are likewise family situated and need to work low maintenance or time off while having youngsters (Bell, Narz 2007). In the wake of depicting these various gatherings it is clear there is a distinction in disposition, regard, faithfulness, objectives, and hard working attitude. Placing these people in a workplace together would appear to be an ill-conceived notion. Schaefer 2010 States: The famous press illustrates generational partition at work. Develop laborers (Traditionalists and Baby Boomers) are depicted as steadfast and persevering, however dinosaurs with regards to advancement and innovation. More youthful representatives (Generation Xers and Millennials) are seen as inventive, however impolite, lethargic, and egocentric. Fully trusted, these generalizations can prompt clash and strife in the working environment. Schafer later depicts this isn't the situation and really have a larger number of similitudes than contrasts. She additionally illuminates the peruser that age decent variety is an incentive to our associations and will be a â€Å"an significant part in the jumpers workforce of the future.† (Schaefer, 2010). What are a few advantages and who does it influence? One advantage is regard. By regarding others contrasts efficiency expands which can influence a worker and an association monetarily, monetarily and intensity (Green, 2008). By being increasingly beneficial the organization gets more cash-flow, which makes it workable for them to be serious. At the point when an organization gets more cash-flow it is simpler for them to give raises and rewards. Additionally when an organization has decent variety in the work environment it can diminish claims and increment advertising openings, enrollment, inventiveness, and business picture (Green, 2008). Decent variety isn't just positive. It very well may be in the event that you have the correct gathering of individuals working yet generally chiefs will discover hindrances and difficulties. At the point when I was overseeing I generally said it just takes one individual to demolish a group’s character and stream. This kind of individual searches for issues and gets the remainder of the gathering individuals worked up. Something straightforward like a gossiper can destroy a group’s appeal. On the off chance that a gathering part is bigot or not tolerating of specific member’s strict perspectives or sex it can likewise influence the remainder of the gathering (Green, 2008). This can prompt the loss of faculty and impact work creation which thus influences the representatives and association monetarily, monetarily, and its seriousness. Additionally if an individual isn't socially tolerating of others it influences the organizations view to the clients and investors. The chain drive-through joint Chik-Fil-A has as of late declared it doesn't bolster same sex marriage. The open detonated with shock and a huge number of individuals pledged to never eatâ there again. In the event that a business utilizes a person who voices their segregation, bias, or generalizing of a specific gathering a similar result could occur whenever left unchecked. I think generally we could all concur the more seasoned age was not as tolerating to various races, religion, and sexual inclination as much as the more youthful age may be. This positively doesn't mean a more youthful individual would not be unfair or that every single Traditional laborer are prejudicial however it is something administrators need to comprehend. Business will commonly have a note on segregation in their by laws or worker hand books that any structure whether it be for age, sex, ethnicity, sexual inclination won't go on without serious consequences. Universities utilizing people will have this also. A case of this is the University of California’s framework wide non-separation proclamation: â€Å"It is the strategy of the University not to take part in oppression or provocation of any individual utilized or looking for work with the University of California based on race, shading, national cause, religion, sex, sex personality, pregnancy, physical or mental incapacity, ailment (disease related or hereditary Characteristics), lineage, conjugal status, age, sexual direction citizenship, or status as a secured veteran. This approach applies to all work works on, including enlistment, choice, advancement, move, merit increment, pay, preparing, and improvement, downgrade, and detachment. † (University of California, 2011). Having non-separation explanations like this permits representatives, people in general, investors, and different universities or rivalry see segregation of any sort won't go on without serious consequences at the school. This can enable the business to have a positive picture to all who read it. It is genuinely extraordinary to locate a present business without some type of segregation articulation. The one from the University of California above is distinct and most that I have found don't broadly expound. The University of California additionally has their Principles of Community: â€Å"We perceive, esteem, and certify that social decent variety contributes extravagance to the University people group and improves the nature of grounds life forâ individuals and gatherings. We invest heavily in our different accomplishments and we commend our differences.† (University of California, 2011). These sorts of core values permits the network and some other perusers realize the University invites contrasts in people. On the off chance that somebody was having any doubts about going to this University or working for them this further guarantees the individual the University would invite them regardless of how extraordinary they are. Age assorted variety can likewise influence the manner in which an individual is dealt with. In the event that you consider cutting edge the executives, mid-administration, senior administration you ordinarily vision a more established individual at the senior administration level, a somewhat more youthful individual at the mid-administration level, and again a marginally more youthful individual at the forefront the board level. Does age have to do with getting advanced? In the event that I basically get more seasoned will I be advanced? Obviously it doesn't however it has a gigantic effect on getting excused. In the event that a worker is in excess of 20% more youthful than their boss they are bound to be given up. In the event that the representative is under 20% more youthful than their boss they are less inclined to be given up (Giul

Friday, August 21, 2020

Gold Coast Convention Centre

Question: Talk about the Gold Coast Convention Center. Answer: Presentation Cordiality industry has become an exceptionally serious industry in present situation. It is necessitated that the associations by and by working in such an industry ought to have legitimate data related with the rivalries and the conduct of the individuals accessible in the market. It is necessitated that appropriate arrangement of market examination ought to be done and the organizations should deal with the requirements and needs of the necessities and needs of the individuals accessible in the individuals accessible in the market. Doing so will assist Gold With drifting to guarantee that it could achieve upper hand. It is necessitated that the prime focal point of the organization ought to stay with the prerequisites of the clients since they are the key angles connected with any organization which helps in its encouraging and guarantees to give compelling arrangement of emotionally supportive network for the organization. The report is created in connection with the Gold Coast C onvention and the Exhibition place in order to give legitimate arrangement of heading which it could take in offering proper types of assistance to the clients. This report will help in the dynamic parts of the organization with the impact of which it will have the option to proceed onward the way of progress and supportability. Key Issue Attached With Gold Coast Covention Center Gold Coast Convention and The Exhibition Center is situated on the Gold Coast Highway in the Broadbeach in Queensland (Safari, 2014). The scene which gives world class administrations was opened on 29 June 2004 in which organization contributed $167 million. The scene is overseen by Star Entertainment Group. Proceeding to offer types of assistance from the past time organization has confronted a few issues which has influenced the association in the market (Sui, et. al., 2010). It is necessitated that these issues ought to be assessed with the goal that suitable systems could be created and proper arrangement of administrations could be benefited to it. Thus, the issues looked by the association are: Association was missing to assemble fitting documentation and the check framework. Examining the case it tends to be assessed that no appropriate arrangement of documentations were accessible with the organization (Wilburn, 2007). Individuals accessible at the upper level administration were not having successful checking aptitudes as they believe that representatives were preparing the work with quality and in the wake of evaluating it appeared that no powerful or quality administrations were being given by the workers to the clients because of which clients going to the association stayed unsatisfied. Organization was not having consistency in the creation angles (Amorim, et. al., 2014). Gold Coast Center is working in the food and refreshments advertise in which it is necessitated that the association ought to figure out how to keep up the nature of the food and drinks with the goal that clients could stay solid and fit. With the assistance of the contextual investigation it could be assessed that principles for keeping up the nature of the food and drinks were not being kept up by the association n and there were a considerable lot of the whines made by the clients in connection with the nature of the food (Berman, et. al., 2011). There were a few clients who experienced food contamination in the wake of eating the food at Gold Coast Convention Center which shows that the food which is being served by the organization was not beneficial enough to be eaten. With the assistance of the contextual investigation it was assessed that the food cleanliness was not being kept up by the organization. There were different individuals who griped about the cleanliness factors as the zone where the food was being served was not spotless. Such kind of perspective directly affects the outlook of the clients and furthermore influences the strength of the individuals accessible in the market (Burnett, 2009). It could be assessed from the data benefited for the situation study that the cleanliness perspectives were not in any manner being overseen by the association. It was additionally being said that the expense of the food was high. Individuals going to the Gold Coast Convention Center additionally whined that the expense of the food which is being benefited over yonder were high. It influenced the pocket of the individuals as individuals coming to have dinner or drinks wants to visit the spots where the expense of the nourishments and administrations stay low which ought not influence the pocket of the individuals, this is another motivation behind why individuals don't want to visit Gold Coast Convention Center (C. Harris, Daunt, 2013). Perfect Percentage Of The Food Sales Benchmarking is one of the most significant perspectives appended with the associations in present situation. For the organization like Gold Cost Convention Center which is working in such a high serious market it is necessitated that it should center upon the perfect level of the food deals so it could set the norms with the assistance of which it could set certain benchmarks and could keep on moving in the direction of to accomplish the set targets and figure out how to perform as indicated by the benchmarks which are set by the organization (Chahal, 2010). As per the bookkeeping speculations and the measures if an organization working in the food business has 30% of the food cost, 35% of the cost work and 20% of the overhead cost then the structure is being viewed as in great money related conditions. Going to the refreshments if the organizations drinks cost is in the middle of the 22% to the 28% then the firm is being viewed as in the great money related conditions and is named to procure benefit from the market. It is being assessed that in the event that there will be decrease in the cost rate, at that point it will bring about giving the higher gross benefit to the organization and the other way around (Gummerus, 2010). Figuring of the perfect level of the food deals based on the information benefited for the situation study: % of the food cost = Cost of the offer of the food/offer of the food = 315,000/510,000 = 61.76% % Cost of the Beverages = Cost of the Beverage deals/drink deals = 112,000/290,000 = 38.62% Contrasting the outcomes and the mechanical gauges it could be investigated that the % of the expense of the food and the % of the refreshment cost of Gold Coast Convention Center are excessively high because of which the offer of the association is being influenced as individuals don't want to buy the items and administrations from the associations which gives the nourishments and drinks over the value which are set by the business measures (Khosrow-Pour, et. al., 2007). To set benchmarks for the organization it is necessitated that the Australian Taxation norms ought to be followed and legitimate arrangement of examination ought to be done as such as to give legitimate arrangement of help to the organization in settling on fitting arrangement of choices: For the situation study all out expense of the merchandise deals are: 315000 + 112000 = 427,000 All out deal turnover given for the situation study is 800,000 Thusly 427,000/800,000 *100 = 53.37 % Contrasting the assessed figure and the business proportion it could be assessed that it is too high which could cause an immediate effect on the working of the organization (Safari, 2014). It is required that for such angles immediate and compelling arrangement of moves ought to be made in order to guarantee that the organization could keep on working in the serious condition and could draw in powerful number of clients towards it. Stock Management Controls Which Should Be Taken Into Consideration By The Organization Stock administration is one of the most significant viewpoints for the associations working in the food and drinks industry. In the food business associations works with the transitory items and administrations because of which it becomes significant that these organizations ought to build up their concentration upon the stock administration and ought to guarantee to keep the reputation of the items and administrations accessible and the measure of the equivalent required in not so distant future (Sui, et. al., 2010). To guarantee that the stock of the items and administrations could be overseen in a legitimate way association should center upon five viewpoints which are buying, accepting and giving, planning and selling. These five angles will offer an appropriate help to the associations in present situation. Buying There are five variable connected with the association which will help in creating viable buying capacities for the association (Wilburn, 2007). It is necessitated that the association ought to want to buy the correct item in the correct amount from the opportune spot at the privilege from the correct sources. There are sure advances which will help the association in settling on fitting choices with respect to the buying parts of the association: It is necessitated that the association should assign the buy individual or the purchaser. It is necessitated that the association ought to have an assigned representative who ought to have what it takes of breaking down the buy prerequisites and overseeing stock of the stocks so track record of the item required or the items organization has with it could be kept in a fitting way (Amorim, et. al., 2014). It is necessitated that the item particular ought to be built up by the association according to the menu which is being set of the association. This procedure will help the association in distinguishing which item ought to be bought by the organization or which ought not be bought. It is necessitated that the association ought to build up the stock level which it has in right now (Berman, et. al., 2011). With the assistance of such action organization will get the possibility of the amount of the stock required by the association to buy it and the amount of the item organization has with it. There are different arrangement of issues which are connected with the buy perspectives which directly affect the buy choices of the association a portion of the issues which directly affect the acquisition of the association are payoffs in which individuals accessible at the merchants side burglary the buys because of which lesser sum is being reached to the or

Monday, August 10, 2020

Peek Over Our Shoulders What Rioters Are Reading On July 10, 2014

Peek Over Our Shoulders What Rioters Are Reading On July 10, 2014 This is a new feature at Book Riot. We tell you our favorite books of the month. We tell you what weve read during the week. So now every other week we will give you a glimpse of what we are reading this very moment. You know, just in case youre as nosy as we are and one of the first questions you ask people is what are you reading right now? Here is what the Rioters are reading today (as in literally today). This is whats on their bedside table (or the floor, work bag, desk, whatevskis). See a Rioter who is reading your favorite book? Ive included the link that will take you to their author archives (meaning, that magical place that organizes what theyve written for the site). Gird your loins this list combined with all of those archived posts will make your TBR list EXPLODE. Then again, that might be just what the doctor ordered for summer weekend plans. Enjoy! Weve shown you ours, now show us yours; let us know what youre reading (right this very moment) in the comment section below! Rincey Abraham The Likeness by Tana French (Paperback): I read In The Woods last fall and have been meaning to pick up The Likeness for a while now. I was in the mood for something really engrossing and I knew this would fit that bill. Nikki Steele The Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch (Hardcover): I just finished the other two in the series based on a friends recommendation and am loving the world-building and fun of these books. Amanda Nelson Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay (e-galley): Love Roxanes blog and Twitter presence and I am, myself, a bad feminist. A History of the English Speaking Peoples: Vol 2, The New World by Winston Churchill (Audiobook): Because I am obsessed with Churchill for reasons I can’t articulate Swapna Krishna The Magician King by Lev Grossman (paperback galley:) catching up before the 3rd book comes out Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage by Haruki Murakami (egalley): never read a Murakami so wanted to try his new one Beloved Strangers: A Memoir by Maria Chaudhuri, because I love me some South Asian authors Death Masks by Jim Butcher (audio): re-reading the series on audio Rachel Manwill California by Edan Lepucki (paperback galley): picked it up at BEA because the publicist hand sold it to me like a champ, and after all the buzz because of Colbert, I decided to pick it up Brutal Youth by Anthony Breznican (audio): I saw the cover on Audible, and loved the premise. This Is The Water by Yannick Murphy (egalley): Its a murder mystery within the world of high school swimming. Since I was a hardcore swimmer most of my life, the description hooked me. Cassandra Neace Blood Work by Holly Tucker (hardcover): Its part of my non-fiction experiment. The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness (hardcover): finally finishing out the A Discovery of Witches series! Derek Attig The Burning Dark by Adam Christopher (Library hardback): The serendipity of library browsing: saw it on my local library’s new book shelf and grabbed it. Essays of E.B. White  (paperback): I read “Here is New York” a million years ago in college and am giving his other essays a go. Greg Zimmerman O, Democracy!! by Kathleen Rooney (Library hardcover): Im reading it because its a political satire set in Chicago, which hits two of my genre kryptonites, and it came very highly recommended by Jonathan Evison. Thunderstruck Other Stories by Elizabeth McCracken (Library ebook):  Im reading it because I live to impress Liberty (to steal her line when she reads a recommendation) EH Kern The Paris Review no. 209:  I buy every issue because of the great short stories and the author interviews that are thought-provoking and eye-opening. Amanda Diehl The Professional by Kresley Cole (Paperback): Im a huge fan and Ive read every book in her Immortals After  Dark series: so Im tempted to see what she does with contemporary erotica. Stiff by Mary Roach (Paperback): Ive been on a pop science kick lately and Mary Roach is practically the Queen of Pop Sci. Not for the squeamish, by the way. Josh Corman The Sandman by Neil Gaiman (soft cover): This has been the summer of catching up on great comics, and The Sandman is one of the most celebrated ever. Plus I like Gaiman a good deal anyway. Margret Aldrich Visitation by Jenny Erpenbeck (paperback): My Twitter feed told me that this darkly beautiful German translation wasnt to be missed, and it seemed like a good contrast to the brightness of summer. Rebecca Schinsky Smoke Gets in Your Eyes: Lessons from the Crematory by Caitlin Doughty (ebook): Fellow Rioters Liberty and Kim both raved about it, and I cant resist a good book about the funeral industry. Books and Islands in Ojibwe County by Louise Erdrich (ebook): Fellow Rioter and dear friend Jenn said it was possibly her favorite book EVER. We have tattoos together, and Im pretty sure that reading each others beloved books is part of the deal. Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes (ebook): The internet will not stop talking about this book, and it doesnt come out for MONTHS. So I caved. An Astronauts Guide to Life on Earth by Chris Hadfield (audio): Amanda said it was great, filled with space and smart self-help stuff, and I like both of those things. Kelly Jensen Blind by Rachel DeWoskin (print ARC): I talked with a Penguin rep at the Public Library Association conference this year about diverse titles and she handed me this one, since its about a teen girl who loses her sight after a firecracker lands in her eyes. Kim Ukura World of Trouble by Ben H. Winters (Paperback): Ive loved both of the previous books in this trilogy and am obsessed with finishing series. Kate Scott Father Brown: The Essential Tales by G.K. Chesterton  (Paperback): Summer seems like an excellent time for some fun, witty detective stories. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling (Library Hardcover): Its been seven years since I first read the series, and now seemed like the perfect time for a reread. Personality Type: An Owners Manual by Lenore Thomson (Library Paperback): This was a random library find. Its an older book on Myers-Briggs/Jungian typology that holds true to the original spirit of the theory, unlike the stereotyping tumblrized version floating around the interwebs. Brenna Gray Omega Flight #1-5 by Oening and Kollins (eBook Marvel Unlimited app): I’m working on a larger project about Marvel Civil War and post-9/11 geopolitics, and unsurprisingly I am fascinated by the way Canadian superheroes got the biggest shaft ever. Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor (Hardcover): I loved the rest of the trilogy and was eager to read this (but I dunno, it’s been majorly majorly slow going for me). Aram Mrjoian A Severed Head by Iris Murdoch (paperback): I read Under the Net a while back and fell in love with Murdoch’s writing. Don’t Start Me Talkin’ by Tom Williams (Paperback): Dzanc books published this book and I used to intern for them, plus I love supporting a Michigan publisher. Dzanc does a ton of cool writing programs too. The subject matter also really caught my attention. The Strangler Vine by M.J. Carter (hardcover): My parents bought it for me for my birthday last month because they thought Id like it.A Wizard Abroad by Diane Duane (ebook): A friend I met on Tumblr is a huge fan of the Young Wizards series (which I hadnt previously heard of) and sent me the whole series so I could join her in enjoying it. Complete Sonnets by William Shakespeare (Oxford Student Texts) (paperback): Im trying to get into reading the poetry books Ive accumulated, and Shakespeare is one of the more enjoyable poets. The Art Of Neil Gaiman by Hayley Campbell (hardcover): Was being sold at the Neil Gaiman event I was at last week. And the book is beautiful. Liberty Hardy   The Haunted Vagina by Carlton Mellick III (paperback): Because WHUT. How could I not?!?? Invisible Streets by Toby Ball (galley): I loved the first two books in this trilogy, and Im excited for the conclusion! Alison Peters Washington Square by Henry James (Rooster app): Because its lovely to get back to James in a non-academic capacity. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand (hardback): Because my boss (also a vet ) has been trying to get me to read it for months and I just discovered that its written by the author of Seabiscuit AND because Id like to honor the memory of Louis Zamperini AND I need to read it before the movie comes out. As for  me The Silkworm  by Robert Gailbraith (hardcover) because  saw it at the store, and remembered that fellow Rioter, Rincey, was reading it, so decided to give it a try. Broken Monsters  by Lauren Beukes (egalley):  Because of what Rebecca said. And because then Rebecca jumped on that bandwagon and I had that panicked, Dont leave me behind! feeling. Save Sign up to The Stack to receive  Book Riot Comic's best posts, picked for you. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Who Are We - Literature Essay Samples

In the play, Six Characters in Search of an Author, Luigi Pirandello presents a humanistic worldview. The assertion is made repeatedly that we, as humans, can define who we are, that our actions dictate our character. This view is presented in two contexts. First of all, it is illustrated in the lives of the characters. The characters lives and actions are predetermined by an author; therefore, who they are cannot change, although their identity is still defined by these constant actions. The second context that the humanistic worldview is presented in is through the lives of the actors. They are, just like the characters, defined by what they do. However, their reality, or who they are, can change. As the Father says to the Manager, This you as you feel it today all this present reality of yours is fated to seem a mere illusion to you tomorrow (44).No matter which context the humanistic worldview is illustrated in, the premise that our humanity is defined by our actions is wrong from a Christian perspective. What we do does not determine who we are; rather, who we are determines what we do. All of the actions that Christians take should stem from their identity as children of God. When we accept Christ as Savior, we acknowledge who we are and what we were created to be. That is, we recognize that our purpose is to glorify God and to serve Him, and once we concede this, all of our actions will follow naturally. Our actions, whether good or bad, can never alter our fundamental identity as a child of God.Those still living in sin, however, remain in the illusion presented in Pirandellos work. They define themselves by what they do, whether that be in the form of a job, a relationship, or good works. They are forced to uphold the idea that these things determine who they are because the only other option is to face the uncomfortable reality of their sinful conditions and future in hell. Pirandello alludes to this truth while discussing the necess ity of the transitory reality of the actors. Illusions of reality represented in this fatuous comedy of life that never ends, nor can ever end! Because if tomorrow it were to endthen why, all would be finished (44). They must retain the pretense of reality.Salvation, then, frees us from the necessity to uphold a pretense of reality through our actions because we understand and accept the true reality of who we are meant to be. We are no longer slaves to sin, works, and their definition of our identity in the present or our course for the future. Our identity and future are set, and from this our actions proceed.The preceding statements show that the manner in which both the characters and the actors define their humanness is wrong. They also help us understand the conflict of Pirandellos characters. They cannot see beyond the illusion of their own actions to understand the source of their tragedy. For example, the Father constantly complains how the other characters do not u nderstand him as he really is; they see him only as he appears in one action. The Step-daughter only views him through the scene where he solicits her as a prostitute. She now seeks to attach to me a reality such as I could never suppose I should have to assume for her in a shameful and fleeting moment of my life (16). His statements are invalid, however, in light of the previous discussion. His problem lies not in the fact that others incorrectly define him by one action, but rather in the fact that he is defined by his actions at all. The reality of him in the Step-daughters eyes is not the true reality of who he should be but only an illusion of sin, which leaves him incapable of seeing his true identity. He is forced to focus on himself and his actions.The character of the Father illustrates most clearly the humanistic worldview presented by Pirandello; however, at times he also presents the opposing Christian view. Pirandello, through his work, seems to suggest that the way the actors and the characters live is not right. For as the Father says in critique of his own existence, Thus, sir, you see when faith is lacking, it becomes impossible to create certain states of happiness, for we lack the necessary humility. Vaingloriously, we try to substitute ourselves for this faith, creating thus for the rest of the world a reality which we believe after their fashion, while, actually, it doesnt exist (18). This statement sums up the irony of the worldview presented in the play, that someone could so clearly state the true reality and yet be too absorbed in pretense to actualize it in life.Work CitedPirandello, Luigi. Six Characters in Search of an Author. Trans. Edward Storer. Mineola: Dover Publications, Inc., 1998.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Reflection On My Views Of Feminism - 860 Words

Reflection does not come naturally to me. Full time work and school makes it a challenge to stop and reflect. However, I think it’s important to do, as it reminds me how vital it can be for growth and development in all aspects of life. Reflecting on my views of feminism consciously is a first for me, however, I now realize it’s something I’ve contemplated on a subconscious level. The first article I reviewed spoke, interestingly, from a male perspective in support of feminism for his own self establishment (Greenwald, 2016). Greenwald is supportive of feminism to develop an increased awareness - that it’s ok for men to be interested in â€Å"feminine† subjects and venues without retaliation that it’s wrong or minimizes being a man (2016). The author continues that men are hiding behind the age old idea that being a true man involves being stoic and strong physically and emotionally and that they deserve to be free of this stereotype for their own growth. Greenwald alludes to the idea that men aren’t fully evolved as individuals if they hold to that foundation of what defines a man (2016). The second website I perused was from a blog of pictures of women holding up written statements of why they are against feminism (Women Against Feminism [WAF], 2015). This site was intriguing as it was the opposite of the first article I read. Here, women shared their thoughts on why they don’t support the feminist movement and it was interesting that it was masses of women speaking, not justShow MoreRelatedAn Reflection With A Confession863 Words   |  4 PagesI start this reflection with a confession. I have thought more about feminist ideology in the last week than in my entire lifetime†¦what does feminism mean to me? It is a concept that was accompanied by many negative connotations in my mind. I had no idea there were so many types of feminism†¦just the terminology is slightly overwhelming. After studying and reflecting on this topic, I will discuss what posts spoke to me, what made me uncomfortable as well as how I can develop trusting relationshipsRead MoreFeminism And The Fight For Same Sex Marriage772 Words   |  4 PagesFeminism absolutely means different things to different people. As I have read through many different articles, posts, and readings about feminism, it has struck me how differently feminism is approached. Among many blogs and websites that I read there were two that stood out to me; the first was a blog by a woman named Cristen Conger on the website Everyday Feminism and the other was a Tumblr site that had photos of women presenting lists of why they are against feminism. In this reflection I willRead MoreReflection Paper On Psychology Of Women1334 Words   |  6 PagesRunning Head: SELF-REFLECTION 1 Self-Reflection: Psychology of Women Critical Thinking Paper 1 Hillary Cohen University of Maryland SELF-REFLECTION 2 My name is Hillary Cohen and I identify as a Jewish straight American woman. I grew up in a Conservative community surrounded by people who were a little more and a little less religious than I was. While growing up, my parents always made sure to let me and my sisters know that we could do anythingRead More10 Things I Hate about You and The Taming of the Shrew1171 Words   |  5 Pages1999, was positioned at a time when feminism was beginning to be deemed as â€Å"no longer necessary† (Sowards Renegar 539). According to Sowards and Renegar, in a 1998 survey, â€Å"48% of women surveyed answered that feminism is relevant to most women, but only 28% of women answered that feminism today is relevant to them personally† (Sowards Renegar 539). Furthermore, due to negative media portrayals of female feminists, only â€Å"32% of women answered that they view feminists favorably, while 43% answeredRead MoreFeminism Is Not A Feminist805 Words   |  4 PagesAt first I tho ught I was not a feminist. However, after careful consideration and research into feminist ideology, I have realized that I am a feminist. Individual feminism or Libertarian feminism represents my beliefs very closely. I do believe that women have been subjugated to men and remain so in many parts of the world. We have not achieved parity with men in all areas. Government continues to regulate the choices of women in terms of reproductive issues. There are ongoing struggles at the stateRead MoreAtwood, Neel, And Feminism1645 Words   |  7 PagesAtwood, Neel, and Feminism English Composition II Professor Michael Cain Kamala Chan Summer 2014 September 26, 2014 â€Æ' It may seem clear to most people that authors and artists are completely different in more than few ways. For one, their job descriptions have nothing in common. Authors write, and artists draw, sketch, and paint. Authors need to be grammatically correct, while an artist’s mistake can make their work unique, and abstract. With the endless list of differences, comes the one thingRead MoreSocialist Feminist Criticism1164 Words   |  5 PagesCriticism: You Dropped the Bomb on Me, Baby Feminism and gender studies have been described as having the ability to challenge literary and culture theory to confront the difficult task of assimilating the findings of an expanding sphere of inquiry (Contemporary Literary Criticism 567). This area of study has taken center stage during the last fifty years, not only in our society, but also in literary criticism. Although the terrain Feminism traverses can hardly be narrowed down to one singleRead MoreGender Inequality And Relevant Social Norms959 Words   |  4 Pagesdaughters, they unanimously said that they would love to teach their daughters to be independent and non-obedient. In my opinion, critical reflection is hard to achieve by merely examining the different interpretations of factual information. To be critical enough, one should take up different identities and positions, compare and contrast these positions with their own macro world views and micro beliefs. In this warm-up section, it is clear that although many female students have accepted certain sexistRead MoreGender And Gender : Response Paper916 Words   |  4 Pagesspectrum in My Gender Workbook by Kate Bornstein, which proved to be a very useful tool in understanding gender identity. We went on to read about LGBTQ issues with articles including â€Å"Americans Still Divided Over Gay Marriage† by David Crary and Emily Swanson which discussed the disagreements between American citizens on the approval of gay marriage. Finally, we discussed feminism with the article â€Å"Women’s Studies, Feminism, and the Women’s Movement† by Sheila Ruth. For the purpose of my ow n reflectionRead MoreWomen s Rights For Equal Treatment And Equal Rights1240 Words   |  5 PagesFeminists are made out to be men-hating lesbians, however, feminism is about equal treatment and even men can self-identify as such. As a woman of color I identify with Bell Hooks, FEMINISM IS FOR EVERYBODY Passionate Politics. Women of color needed feminism that was more inclusive and that advocated for the rights of ALL women, and not just white women. Women are objectified and are a reflection of a patriarchal society. When talking about feminism, many women of color couldn’t see their struggles reflected

Monday, May 18, 2020

The Use Of Yoga And Standard Physical Therapy Essay

Statistical Analysis Outline Quantitative Research Question In older women with osteoarthritis (OA), is there a significant difference in the quality of life between those who participate in yoga and those who participate in standard physical therapy? Descriptive statistics will be used to describe the baseline characteristics of the two intervention groups (yoga and standard physical therapy). The baseline characteristics will include body mass index (BMI) and severity of disease (the Kellgren-Lawrence grading scale for osteoarthritis). Hypothesis 1 ï‚ § Null hypothesis: There will be not be a difference between the effect of yoga and standard physical therapy on the WOMAC scale at five weeks in older women diagnosed with OA at a significance level of 0.05. ï‚ § Alternative hypothesis: There will be a difference between the effect of yoga and standard physical therapy on the WOMAC scale at five weeks in older women diagnosed with OA at a significance level of 0.05. ï‚ § Independent variable: Intervention, measured at two levels (yoga and standard physical therapy) and time, measured at two levels (pre and post five weeks); dependent variable: WOMAC scale, measured at two levels (group and over-time). ï‚ § Scale of measurement: The independent variable - intervention is a nominal scale of measurement and time is a ratio scale of measurement; the dependent variable is a ratio scale of measurement ï‚ § Statistical test: Fisher s exact test will be used for nominal scale. ForShow MoreRelatedDoes GRTL Help with ASD and Behavioral Issues?1211 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction: Yoga is one kind of exercise which relaxes our mood, body, and mind. It consists of different body movement like stretching, keeping, different posture, and as well as meditation. Within the article Efficacy of the get ready....a pretest -posttest control group design â€Å"the authors are trying to portray the effects of yoga on children with autism. I chose this article because my son also has autism problem. He is in first grade, and he gets occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speechRead MoreLife Modification For Community Leaders1342 Words   |  6 Pagesconsiderable interest in complementary and alternative medicine. Complementary medicine is the treatments that are used along with standard medical treatments but are not considered to be standard treatments. One example is using acupuncture to help lessen some side effects of cancer treatment. Moreover, Alternative medicine is the treatments that are used instead of standard medical treatments. According to the Nationa l Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) and the National Center forRead MoreGerontologic Considerations of Diabetes Mellitus1500 Words   |  6 PagesAnother study suggests that diminished insulin sensitivity in the elderly is multifactoral as well. (Chen, Bergman, Pacini, Porte, Jr., 1985) Factors contributing to altered carbohydrate metabolism in aging include obesity and a progressive decline in physical activity. (Lewis et al., 2011) Lastly, the elderly also may take medications that treat comorbidities that effect insulin and glucose. Some of these include coreg, lipitor, corticosteroids, and lotensin. (Vallerand and Sanoski, 2013) Signs and SymptomsRead MoreEffectiveness of Relapse Prevention Therapy1009 Words   |  4 PagesEffectiveness of Relapse Prevention Therapy Effectiveness of Relapse Prevention Therapy Relapse prevention therapy involves employing cognitive behavioral techniques to reduce the recurrence of relapse. One approach to relapse prevention is mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), which was designed to reduce rates of relapse based on systematic training in mindfulness meditation combined with cognitive behavioral therapy methods. MBCT is an 8-week group therapy intervention that consists of 8Read MoreYoga Based Interventions For Depression And Anxiety Disorders3738 Words   |  15 Pagesimpact of the combination of occupational therapy services and yoga. Occupational therapists are trained and skilled to help those diagnosed with mental disorders. In addition to traditional Occupational Therapy practices, CAMs (complimentary alternative medicines) such as yoga with emphasis on mindfulness based stress reduction can help those suffering recover more quickly. Purpose: The aim of my research is to see Occupational Therapy interventions and Yoga based interventions effectiveness in youngRead MoreAlternative Healthcare Options Or Alternative Medicine1378 Words   |  6 Pagesand practices that are not part of the standard of care. Standard of care is what medical doctors, doctors of traditional medicine, and allied health professionals, such as nurses and physical therapists, practice. Alternative medicine is used in place of standard medical care. Examples of alternative practices that do not include traditional medicine are aroma therapy, diet therapy, herbalism, homeopathy, massage therapy, reflexology, chiropractic therapy, cannabis, faith or spiritual healing andRead MoreAlternative Healthcare Options For Alternative Medicine1483 Words   |  6 Pageschiropractic therapy, spiritual or faith healing amongst others. Alternative medicine is the term used for medical products and practices that are not part of the standard of care. Standa rd of care is what medical doctors, doctors of traditional medicine, and allied health professionals, such as nurses and physical therapists, practice. Alternative medicine is used in place of standard medical care. Examples of alternative practices that do not include traditional medicine are aroma therapy, diet therapyRead MoreCharacteristics Of Major Depressive Disorder1373 Words   |  6 Pagespsychomotor activity, loss of interest, problems concentrating or making decisions, altered sleep patterns, weight loss or gain, fatigue, recurrent thoughts of death, and feelings of worthlessness or excessive/inappropriate guilt. In order to meet the standards for clinical diagnosis, the patient’s symptoms must prevent normal functioning (social, occupational, or otherwise) and cannot be explained alternatively by a medical condition or substance abuse. Personality, heredity, age, gender, and environmentRead MoreThe Mind-Body Connection1982 Words   |  8 Pagesachieve this connection. Yoga is a form of exercise that utilizes both the mind and the body and therefore can be seen as a good way to achieve the mind-body connection. Cardiovascular training aligned with meditation and focused breathing is a great start on your journey towards true happiness; exercise increases the blood flow throughout the body as well as the brain (Mind-body connection attained, 2012). Flexibility is crucial to achieving this connection; training in yoga can increase a person’sRead MoreThe Multidisciplinary Nature of Contemporary Nursing2760 Words   |  11 Pagestake into account the changing dynamics of the market, and needed responses from healthcare. One seminal theory, for instance, that asks the modern nurse to explain their approach to patient care, advocacy, and more modern issues of alternative therapies is Madeline Leningers Multicultural Nursing Paradigm, Synergizing the concept of care and the challenges of both financial management and the changing demographic natur e of nursing, Leiningers model presupposed that the basic practical knowledge

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Social Media And Social Networking Sites - 1074 Words

Introduction Social networking sites (SNS) such as Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Pinterest, and MySpace are being used among adolescent and college age individuals for several hours per day. The overwhelming use of SNS within this younger generation has been studied in numerous journals. Cyber bulling has become a serious concern that directly relates to Facebook users that make up this younger generation. Although SNS are intended to be a portal that encourages positive connections and behavior, there have been studies that link depression to the increased use in SNS such as Facebook. Review of Literature Development of social networking systems According to Danah M. Boyd and Nicole B. Ellison, social networking sites can be defined as a web-based portal that allows users to create a semi-private profile within a bounded system, build a list of users they wish to connect to and interact with, as well as view and interact with users outside of their connections who are also part of the system (2008). With no privacy restrictions, users that join a SNS they are allowing any user within that site to view their profile. Within SNS users have the capabilities to establish friendships and relationships as well as send private or public messages (Boyd Ellison, 2008). Internet users have hundreds of SNS options, but there are only a few that have reached worldwide audiences. From 2004 to 2005 Facebook developed from a Harvard student specific SNS to a worldwide, high school,Show MoreRelatedSocial Media And Social Networking Sites3053 Words   |  13 PagesINTRODUCTION The social sites these days are gaining a lot of popularity with almost all of the educated youth using one or more of the social networking sites. These have played a crucial in bridging boundaries and crossing the seas and enabling them to communicate on a common platform( Dinh ,2011).The increased use of social networking sites has become an international phenomenon in the past several years. Through these websites everyone connect with their peers , share information ,reinventRead MoreSocial Media And Networking. Online Social Media Sites1285 Words   |  6 PagesSocial Media and Networking Online social media sites enable users to connect with other people who share similar interests. Members of the social networking world can post news, videos, pictures, and other content. The huge popularity of these social media sites has generated debate on a variety of issues, including safety concerns, privacy, and usage. A social network is â€Å"an online service or site through which people create and maintain interpersonal relationships† (Merriam-Webster 2017). SocialRead MoreSocial Networking Sites For New Media Essay1615 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction New media has been easily made available everywhere and Facebook in particular as one of the world most popular social networking site (SNS) can be made accessible from desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablet because of this, almost everybody can have access to Facebook anywhere they go. For the most reason, due to the introduction of new media, Facebook plays a key role communication and staying in touch with families, friends, acquaintances, businesses, groups meetings and a wholeRead MoreSocial Media And Its Impact On Society1563 Words   |  7 PagesSocial media has consumed our society. 47% of American adults used social networking sites in 2011 like Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter; up from 26% in 2008(quoted from the aspects of social media both have a positive and negative impact on life. Social networking sites promote interaction with distant family and friends. Social networking sites can demonstrate opportunities to strengthen existing relationships and to de velop new friendships as well. The downfall of social media sitesRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effect On Society1033 Words   |  5 PagesAre you concerned about the use of social media? Although the use of social media may concern only the slightest percent of people, it is still a very important privilege that many people around the world don’t have access to. Social media is important because in spite of the fact that there are many safety concerns, the use of social media is of great significance because it enables people to be able to connect with anyone they want whenever they want. Anyone can see why this might be a problemRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effects On Society1359 Words   |  6 PagesPeople may say social media is good for you but is it really? Everyday, everywhere I always see people on social media calling people bad names, not being able to communicate face to face with each other. Social media, social media, social media†¦ oh what is has done to the world, so many students grades have dropped, criminals PROMOTE crimes. Ultimately, what is at stake here is social media will one day take over the world. People’s safety will be in danger, crimes will increase, people will getRead MorePositive Impact Of Social Media Essay821 Words   |  4 Pagesis today through social networking. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, the phrase â€Å"social media† refers to â€Å"forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities in order to share information, ideas, and other content† (687). Information is readily available at one’s fingertips at any given moment. Social networking has evolved into one of the most common forms of communication since the launching of some of the earliest social networking sites, including ClassmatesRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Networking On Society1317 Words   |  6 PagesThe Effects of Social Networking Intro Over half of the world uses the internet. 2.2 billion people actively use any kind of social networking. There were 176 million new users of social media just last year (Regan 1). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Learning Disabilities Essay - 1298 Words

Learning Disabilities When a child doesn’t seem to be learning, some teachers and parents in his/her life might criticize the child and think of them as stupid, or maybe just too lazy to want to learn. What they don’t realize is that the child might have a learning disability. But how are these children being helped? There are many programs, special schools and facilities, home teaching methods and many other ways in which children with Learning Disabilities are being helped. There are many different types of learning disabilities; the most common ones are dyslexia and attention deficit disorder. (Jerome Rosner. –third ed. 1) Dyslexia is a disorder in which someone has difficulty reading, which is not caused from a†¦show more content†¦There are two types of attention deficit disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Undifferentiated Attention Deficit Disorder. Students who have exhibited the characteristics of Attention Deficit Disorder for longer than six months may be at risk for having an attention deficit disorder. However, a diagnosis of attention deficit should only be made after ruling out other factors related to medical, emotional or environmental variables which could cause serious symptoms. Therefore, physicians, psychologists, and educators often conduct a multi-disciplinary evaluation of the child including medical studies, psychological and educational testing, speech and language assessment, neurological evaluation, and behavioral rating scales completed by the childs parents and teachers. Hyperactivity with ADD, without treatment, often results in failure, rejection by peers and family turmoil, all of which can lead to developmental delays and psychiatric complications stemming from low self-esteem and frustration (Jerry M. Weiner, M.D., Pres. Amer. Academy of Ch. Adol. Psychiatry) Without treatment, Attention Deficit Disorder can lead to poor social adjustment, behavioral problems, and school failure, drop–out and delinquency and drug abuse. A person with attention deficit disorder is too easily distracted and doesn’tShow MoreRelatedLearning Disabilities : A Learning Disability893 Words   |  4 PagesLearning Disabilities Information A learning disability is a condition that may cause you to have difficulty with listening, thinking, speaking, reading, writing, spelling, or doing math. A learning disability can also affect your attention span, memory, muscle coordination, and behavior. Attention span problems, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), often happen with learning disabilities. Common learning disabilities include: †¢ Dyslexia. This causes difficulty with languageRead MoreDiagnosing Learning Disabilities662 Words   |  3 Pageschildren in the fourth grade have been recognized as reading way below the level of their peers. Many of these children are identified with a learning disability and receive remedial instruction in the resource rooms. (Aaron, P. G., Joshi, R., Gooden, R., Rentum, K. E.) The Diagnostic Criteria for learning disabilities (according to the DSM V) is a specific learning disorder which is diagnosed through an examination of the child’s developmental, educational, medical and responses of various interventionsRead More Various Learning Disabilities1834 Words   |  8 PagesLearning Disabilities Unlike other disorders an individual may have, there is no quick way and easy way to confirm or deny a learning disability. There is no x-ray, blood tests, easy and quick surveys to help educators determine whether a learning disability exists. Many of the problems with identifying and assisting children with learning disabilities are to have knowledge of the various learning disabilities and how they affect students. The lack of information available to parents and teachersRead MoreThe Specific Learning Disability992 Words   |  4 PagesUnder IDEA (2004), Disproportionality continues to exist in several categories listed, especially the categories of the Specific Learning Disability (SLD), Emotional Disturbance (ED), and Intellectual Disability (ID) ,(Gamm, 2007). Disproportionality is defined as the â€Å"overrepresentation† and â€Å"under-representation† of a particular population or demographic group in special or gifted education programs relative to the pres ence of this group in the overall student population (National AssociationRead MoreDyslexia Is A Learning Disability989 Words   |  4 PagesDyslexia is a learning disability in which people have difficulty reading, writing, and even in subjects such a math and music. In my case, I found that subjects such as reading and writing were harder for me compared to other kids my age. I was half way through my fourth grade year when I was diagnosed with dyslexia. While at first this was something I hated about myself. Now being dyslexic is something that makes me who I am today, and this is something I should never be ashamed of. By the timeRead More Learning Disabilities Essay3353 Words   |  14 PagesLearning Disabilities Eleven-year-old Anna is outgoing and bright. She attempts to work hard, but her progress in school has always been slow. She is a year behind her peers, particularly in her English class and her teachers have slowly begun to reduce their expectations of her. Her parents are worried because her confidence for learning is decreasing, and there is less motivation for her to do homework and class assignments. A psychologist found that her intelligence is in the gifted rangeRead MoreA Student With A Learning Disability1084 Words   |  5 PagesDecember of 2015, she is currently identified as a student with a Specific Learning Disability in Basic Reading Skills, Reading Comprehension, Written Expression, Mathematics Computation, and Mathematics Problem Solving as well as a Speech and Language Impairment. Meiling receives academic support twice in a six-day cycle with the learning support teacher. She is in an itinerant learning support classroom and the learning support teacher is with her in all academic classes. REEVALUATION INPUT:Read MoreCharacteristics Of Learning Individuals With Learning Disabilities810 Words   |  4 Pages Learning disabilities is a general term to describe a group of learning problems. Students with LD are highly represented in general education classes. LD is the largest single disability area. The cause of learning disabilities remains unknown but are believed to have been associated with some kind of brain function. Organic, genetic, and environmental are three major factors that have been hypothesized as possible causes. Organic factors include indications of brain differences in size or functioningRead MoreStudents With Learning Disabilities And Learning Differences2148 Words   |  9 Pagesencounter many students with learning disabilities or learning differences. These things can be anything between attention deficit disorder to down syndrome. It is the teacher’s job to understand what that child is going through in order to ensure that they receive the best available education possible. Now a teacher might say, â€Å"I am not required to know how to teach special ed ucation†, which is where most of these students will be placed. But ones with minor learning differences will be seen in everydayRead MoreMotivation Students With Learning Disabilities886 Words   |  4 PagesMotivation in Students with Learning Disabilities Rizka Puspitarani (3490616) What is Learning Disability? Learning disabilities (LD), or in some clinical cases called specific learning disorder, is a neurodevelopmental disorder which the individual is experiencing difficulties in learning and using academic skills (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Person with LD usually shows at least one difficulty in literacy (i.e.: inaccurate or slow and takes effort to read, difficult to understand

Educating Rita Devil Wears Prada Free Essays

Host: Good morning listeners, this is Sam Lee with this week’s program of ‘Into the world’ where we discuss ways individuals make challenging transitions into new and different worlds and the risks and possibilities, which coincide with them. Significant experiences in people’s lives provide opportunities for growth and development. Going ‘into the world’ means moving from familiar experiences to new horizons. We will write a custom essay sample on Educating Rita Devil Wears Prada or any similar topic only for you Order Now We are especially blessed today to have Willy Russell famous playwright discussing his play ‘Educating Rita’ and David Frankel the director of ‘The Devil Wears Prada’. W. R: Thank you for having me on the program: it is a pleasure to discuss ‘Educating Rita’. Host: Willy how close is Rita’s story to your own? W. R: Is it that strikingly obvious Sam? I was a male hairdresser and owned my own salon before I began to compose novels, which enabled me to construct a more realistic character for Rita. ‘Educating Rita’ could be seen, as a semi-autobiography as I have already experienced the difficulties of being working class and I am aware of the challenges people with this social background may endure. Similarly to Rita I also dreamed of better things, and returned to further education as a mature student attending evening classes at university, immersing in the delights of English literature. Host: Your mentor for Rita is Frank a flawed professor, why did you create such a complex mentor for Rita? W. R: Frank is perfect for Rita in his ‘imperfections’ as a real studious, pedantic professor would have frightened Rita off. At the start of the play, Frank and Rita can be seen as opposites and any friendship between the two seems unlikely, but they quickly warm to one another as first appearances show. Frank sees Rita as a breath of fresh air in his life and he responds very well to her cheeky and irreverent approach to almost anything. They are both involved in unsatisfactory relationships, and they both want more from life than it seems to offer. Host: Rita’s marriage breaks down due to her newfound ambitions to change herself. You construct Danny as a largely un-sympathetic type, was this deliberate? W. R: No, Danny’s character was never created intentionally to be un-sympathetic, this perception of Danny is a result of his inability to understand Rita’s wish to be educated. He is the archetypical figure that represents the opposition to Rita’s desire for change. Danny has a traditional view of the role of women and expects Rita to settle down and have children. He does not like that she is trying to break away from their lower class lifestyle. When he discovers that Rita has secretly been taking the pill to stop herself becoming pregnant, he blames her behaviour on her desire to ‘better’ herself and burns her books, this act is symbolic as throughout history books have been burnt to no avail and knowledge cannot be destroyed by something as weak as fire. Danny’s intentional rejection to embrace the new, spells the end of their relationship. Host: Educating Rita can be linked to the growth, changes, as well as sacrifices made by Andy in The Devil Wears Prada where Andy is on a journey seeking to begin her life as an adult who is faced with moral and ethical choices. David would you agree that transitions into the world have greater risks and potential losses than possibilities? D. F: Well Sam, Andy begins as a strong, grounded character, opposite to Rita who becomes more and more preoccupied with success. However similarly to Rita, Andy realizes the job is lonely and in order to achieve great success there must be great sacrifices. This is linked to Rita, as they both need to make sacrifices in order to excel, beginning with their partners. The tension in the relationship between Andy and her boyfriend is evident through the constant reference to the â€Å"old Andy† who he believes has gone. Nate Andy’s boyfriend is a constant reminder of where she came from, similarly with Danny. Host: It seems that although Rita and Andy have benefited, they lose a great deal including their individuality. Would you agree Willy? W. R: Well, Rita has some of the rough, and possibly more original, edges of her personality knocked off, however the things she loses are no longer of great value to her. Rita desires to â€Å"know everything† in order to have choice and direction in her life, as evident by ‘I wanna discover meself’. Choice, to Rita, is more then ‘eight different types of lager’ as described by Denny and their social class. She now has a lot more freedom with regards with her future and what she wants, as she is educated. She has gained confidence in herself to associate with â€Å"proper† students. Host: Any comments on this David? D. F: Sacrifices need to be made in order to succeed Sam. Andy was initially unwilling to change her appearance even when pressured by colleagues. However she eventually goes through a dramatic costume change, squeezes into a size four dress with a sleek new haircut and expensive stilettos, which make her dis tinguishable from the rest. Host: Finally would you agree Willy that if something is worth achieving it will involve struggle? W. R: Any transitions into new and different worlds will involve a form of struggle, potential risks and if successful in this change, rewarding possibilities. So yes definitely Sam, nothing worth having comes easy. How to cite Educating Rita Devil Wears Prada, Papers

Technology Diffusion and Productivity Growth

Question: Discuss about the Technology Diffusion and Productivity Growth. Answer: Introduction: Rising healthcare costs have become a major concern for all the developed countries in the world. In the present day, many of the nations have conducted researches regarding the amount of expenditure on healthcare. They have come to a conclusion that their expenditure on healthcare is lowering the economic stability of the nation. The nations now believe that it is highly important to introduce reforms that will reduce the spending of the government on healthcare. However the governments are also concerned about the increase in expenditure that would affect every citizen if the governments reduce their contribution forcing citizens to spend huge money from their own pockets. Therefore most of the nations who think of their citizens are in great dilemma about the expenditure in healthcare sectors thereby appoint policy makers to introduce reforms that will help both the government and the citizens to contribute the increasing cost of healthcare (Groves et al. 2016). However, there has been always a debate among health economists. One group suggests that in order to match up with the increasing healthcare costs, it is the duty of the individuals to pay for their healthcare expenditure. On the other hand, another group argues that in order to maintain equality among the healthcare expenditures, both high and low income families should have similar access to healthcare. In order to do so, there should be enough contribution from the government for low income families (Drummond et al. 2015). Therefore the essay will mainly focus on the dilemma that a policy maker will face while taking side for a particular side of the debate. It will also portray about how the issue can be dealt so that the main outcome of healthcare cost can be reduced without creating a hole in pocket of both citizens and the government. In the recent era, in most nations, it has seen that there is huge increase in the expenditure of the healthcare sectors. One of the prime reasons for the increase in healthcare cost is the increasing advancement in technology and its inclusion in each aspect of healthcare departments (Kayyali, Knott and Van 2013). The duty of a policy advisor would not be to create excessive pressure both on the government and on the citizens. A better policy advisor would be a person who will guide the entire nation in a way which will help to stabilize the increasing hike in healthcare sectors (Jones et al. 2014). It has been seen that technology is considered to involve presentation of drugs, devices along with different medical or surgical procedures. New technologies have also helped in several prevention and rehabilitation of different diseases. It has been stated by many researchers that the primary reason for increase in healthcare cost in the present era is due to the technological change n ecessary to treat patients. This technological use in healthcare has helped in increasing benefits like life expectancy, reduction in disability among the different elderly as well as decreased number of mortality in many cases where patients used to die previously (Skinner and Stagier 2015). However at the same time, citizens should pay importance to the cost of the benefits that they are taking help. In order to save the lives of loved ones, they are utilizing healthcare technologies but these technologies come at a higher cost and therefore such innovations and their services are costly. These must be analyzed by citizens that just like they are being able to save lives of family members with technologies which otherwise would have not been possible without technologies. Hence, they should also feel that is indeed important for them to contribute more to the healthcare system as the recent systems have to spend a lot of money for maintenance and servicing of the technological adv ancements incorporated in the setting. Many new types of equipment have been introduced for treatment as in case of myocardial infarction (Kontos et al. 2014). Besides pharmacological intervention, a number of different intervention like thrombolytic therapy, angiography, angioplasty, coronary bypass surgery and similar others have been introduced. All these services use extensive technological supports and therefore are costly. However at the same time, they have decreased the number of people suffering from myocardial infarction. Therefore, as citizens one should also feel responsible in spending out of pocket in order to get more benefits of technology for the costlier services (Gell et al. 2013). However, hospitals should also be ethical enough in charging the cost for the new technology. There are also reports that many hospitals undertake unnecessary tests and overuse of high cost technology mainly in the private healthcare sectors. These hospitals tend to earn more profits by unnecessary application of technology even in different diagnoses which might be done without technological help. Such discrepancies should be monitored by regulatory bodies so that unnecessary so that citizens are not forced to pay more than what is needed (Sultan 2014). The government should also implement regulatory bodies where they would evaluate the economically implications and analyze the cost and cost effectiveness and thereby implement policies which would help to save money by the citizens. The government should also take initiatives for the appraisal of social and ethical implications about the diffusion as well as the use of health technologies and other organizational implications (Chib, van Velthoven and Car 2015). Moreover discrimination is also present in the healthcare industry that also needs to be properly analyzed. There are two types of healthcare insurances that are utilized by a particular citizen. This involves the private healthcare policies and public healthcare policies. The private healthcare policies are mainly initiated by the different healthcare sectors or private companies in association with hospitals and nursing homes. The private healthcare insurances usually charge more to the patients and the insurance they cover is of huge amount as well (Khatib et al. 2016). However the governmental initiatives of the insurances cover budgets which are comparatively smaller than the private ones. Moreover, it has been suggested by many studies that the governmental health insurances also pay less to the doctors. However still the doctors remain attached with public sectors as they tend to increase the amount of the bill ultimately matching the budget with that of the private insurances . On the other hand, private insurances pay more to the doctors as they cannot afford the doctors leaving the carriers. Therefore, one can see both the private and the public insurances are providing the equal money to the healthcare sectors for attaining the same treatments (Hill and Cooke 2014). As a responsible citizen having a moderate to high income of money should not create extra pressure on the government for providing money to the healthcare expenditure of a middle income to high income family. It has been already established that both the type of insurances nearly provide the same sort of assistances (Perry, Zulliger and Rogers 2014). Therefore systems should be adopted in such a way that moderate and high income individual should opt for private insurances. People belonging to high socioeconomic background should spend more on their premiums so that an overall stability in financing the healthcare system can be achieved. The main motive of the healthcare system and its ex penditure should be based on equity. By this statement, it means that the individuals who are privileged with high income should more as the premium whereas people of low economic background should be helped by the government. This system would help in achieving a condition where sufficient finance can be accumulated for meeting the needs of healthcare for both the privileged and underprivileged (Nagarajan and Shrieff 2017). Moreover it would be also helpful if the government can develop a hand in deciding the money which would be paid as tax to the government. The high income and middle income citizens would be classified into a number of slabs and depending upon it, their percentage of tax would be decided. This would be helpful in lessening the stress on the pocket of low income families and also of the government. Although it would be the citizens who would be spending the money, the government should play an important role in the setting up of proper slabs depending upon which their payment of healthcare tax should be fixed. Their authority to hold private insurances would also depend upon their salary slab as well. This system is evidence based and would help to maintain equity among different healthcare systems. This is helpful as it does not create excessive economic pressure on the citizens and only extracts that minimal amount which can be provided by them to help the healthcare sectors to provide them services in need (George et al. 2016). Therefore, the initiative would be taken by the government to introduce healthcare benefits for low economic households, introduce slab systems for payment of taxes to meet the healthcare needs and encourage the high and middle economic families to uptake private insurances without creating pressure on governmental funds. Recently another important trend in rise in healthcare cost is linked with the rise in prevalence of manmade disease . There are a large number of diseases like diabetes, obesity, substance abuse disorders, excessive smoking, alcohols and many others which mainly take place due to improper life styles which are involuntary. Often certain behaviors like lack of exercises, overconsumption of food, intake of calorigenic food and many other often result from an individuals own choices. Moreover many nations are seen to be more inclined on spending money on treatment rather than trying best to preventive (Keift et al. 2014). The World Health Organization has already tried its best to create awareness among citizens of every nation. They have clearly discussed the concept of prevention of diseases stating that prevention is indeed the most cost effective process of decreasing the rate of chronic diseases especially for those individuals who are at the higher risk of the disease. WHO has al so shared facts where they have stated that about 80% of the different diseases like heart disease, diabetes, stroke, along with one third of the cancers can be avoided by individuals (Spinks et al. 2017). They can achieve this by eliminating the shared risk factors which may include tobacco use, physical inactivity, and unhealthy diet and also overuse of drugs and alcohol. Many of the diseases can be checked if the citizens are careful enough with their lives and through regular preventive healthcare such as diagnostic screenings ( 2017). However still people are careless and take their lives for granted until they are affected with severe disorder. In such cases, patients with these habits applying for governmental help for financing his healthcare expenditures is morally and ethically incorrect. Therefore the governmental help should be specified for usage of particular classes of people and for particular specified diseases, so that the chances of exploitation o f governmental fund can be prevented. In order to do so the government should develop systems for properly analyzing the kind of service needed by the patients, his financial status, his credibility, his needs and others before deciding on the aid (George et al. 2016). The government should introduce policies that will encourage citizens to develop proper living habits rather than taking healthcare funds for granted. The government can help by introducing proper education systems for citizens who will help them to undertake proper lifestyles and therefore reduce the occurrences of disorders. However, often patients become victimized to high prices of healthcare services; this is mainly due to different factors of the healthcare services that tend to increase the bill of patients. Often patients who visit to hospitals for healthcare services are provided with options of treatments which are much more costly than the alternatives which were not disclosed to the patients. Therefore the patients often fail in proper decision making (Kieft et al. 2014). Here, the patients become victims to the discrepancies of the hospitals as a result of which their expenditure gets higher. The hospitals tend to charge more when they see patients with insurances. Moreover often patients also become victim to different types of errors conducted by healthcare professionals. This again led to a huge expenditure of the resources on behalf of the patients (Mosadehgraj 2014). There have been many cases where it is reported like improper medication administration to patients following a wrong route , a wrong dose, a wrong procedure and many others have increased the stay of patients in healthcare sectors. Although one is expecting the patients to pay amount from their pockets in case of their ailments, this kind of errors from the healthcare groups should be highly criticized. The government should come forward and introduce strict rules and policies which will handle such errors and take strict disciplinary rules (Lee 2015). Moreover hospitals are also admitting patients with diseases for which specialists are not available. This is resulting in compromise of the health of the patient along with that of the resources of the patients. Moreover many hospitals are incapable of maintain a correct skill mix of healthcare professionals. This also affects the quality treatment that a patient expects form a healthcare sector. There are also many hospitals which after attaining a brand value try to impose higher charges for their services irrespective of the costs which are fixed by t he government. Therefore, the hospitals should be properly regulated by the strict governmental monitoring so that the hospitals can be careful in the interventions they apply (Metsala and Vaherkoski 2014). The government should be particular in the policies that apply. They should ensure accurate costing of each of the health services and the health products that the hospitals are providing to the students. The government should also try to implement strategies to turn the inappropriate workforce into trained individuals so that the chance of patients spending more money on errors conducted by unskilled workers can be avoided (Pellegrin et al. 2017). Also the high administration cost of well known hospitals should also be managed properly so that the costs do not create a pressure on the pockets of the patients. As a senior policy advisor of the Ministry of Health, it would be the duty of the advisor to introduce reforms that will help in decreasing the healthcare costs associated with healthcare services. Each services and products of the healthcare sectors should be properly analyzed and their pricing should be foxed, so that any discrepancies do not affect the pocket of the patients. The government should initiate reforms to introduce strategies that will prevent excessive flow of money from patients. This may include strategic spending of the patients for healthcare through payment of health taxes according to their earning slab. The patients with higher income should pay higher tax than people with moderate income. This would help in preventing pressure on both the government and also low economic families. Moreover the high income families should be encouraged for private insurances so that the finance under the government can be spent for those patients coming from poverty stricken fa milies and similar backgrounds. By this way, the policy advisor will be able to strike a balance in the health care expenditure and maintain equity in healthcare. As the government should be concerned with the healthcare of the patients who are unable to afford healthcare costs, the upper and middle class families should also be responsible for marinating their healthcare costs to some extent. This would create less pressure on the economic condition of the nation and would help nation spend money on other development sectors which would help in the growth of very individuals financially. The government should provide a subsidy to every healthcare sector to keep their service price low. At the same time the citizens should be responsible to maintain lives in such a way so that they get let exposed to harmful diseases and also manage their insurances and finance plan. This should be done in such a way so that it helps them to cover the healthcare charge without creating a huge hole i n the pocket. References: Chib, A., van Velthoven, M.H. and Car, J., 2015. mHealth adoption in low-resource environments: A review of the use of mobile healthcare in developing countries.Journal of Health Communication,20(1), pp.4-34. Drummond, M.F., Sculpher, M.J., Claxton, K., Stoddart, G.L. and Torrance, G.W., 2015.Methods for the economic evaluation of health care programmes. Oxford university press. Gell, N.M., Rosenberg, D.E., Demiris, G., LaCroix, A.Z. and Patel, K.V., 2013. Patterns of technology use among older adults with and without disabilities.The Gerontologist, p.gnt166. George, C.E., Ramadas, D., Norman, G., Mukherjee, D. and Rao, T., 2016. 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Factors influencing healthcare service quality. Nagarajan, G. and Shrieff, J.K., 2017. Role of Management in Medical ErrorsMarking and Methods to Improve Safety and Reduce Errors to the Healthcare OrganisationA Theoretical Prospective.MIM INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT RESEARCH, p.53. Pellegrin, K.L., Krenk, L., Oakes, S.J., Ciarleglio, A., Lynn, J., McInnis, T., Bairos, A.W., Gomez, L., McCrary, M.B., Hanlon, A.L. and Miyamura, J., 2017. Reductions in Medication?Related Hospitalizations in Older Adults with Medication Management by Hospital and Community Pharmacists: A Quasi?Experimental Study.Journal of the American Geriatrics Society,65(1), pp.212-219. Perry, H.B., Zulliger, R. and Rogers, M.M., 2014. Community health workers in low-, middle-, and high-income countries: an overview of their history, recent evolution, and current effectiveness.Annual review of public health,35, pp.399-421. Skinner, J. and Staiger, D., 2015. 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